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By admin | January 07 ,2013 | Categories:2013 | Tags: , BFG Super Tour, Danny Steyn, Sebring, Spec Miata
In one of the deepest national fields in Spec Miata, featuring at least 15 potential winners as well as the top 5 from the Runoffs, Danny Steyn had one of ...
By admin | January 13 ,2012 | Categories:2012 | Tags: , Danny Steyn, Sebring, Spec Miata
40 Spec Miata's registered for this weekend's race. 62 last weekend. Looks like this Quad National is getting really popular. Draft is all important here at Homestead. Lots of tandem ...
By admin | January 10 ,2011 | Categories:2011 | Tags: , Danny Steyn, Sebring, Spec Miata
Danny Steyn and Chip Van Vurst post strong finishes in the first race of the 2011 Spec Miata National Series. Race 1. Andrew Charbonneau, the 2010 Spec Miata National champion had ...